Biological Safety Cabinets

Class I Series Cabinets
Gelman Bioguard Class I Series Biological Safety Cabinets are designed to provide a high degree of personnel and environment protection for work with low to moderate risk biological agents that require Biosafety Level 1, 2 or 3 containment.

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Class II Type A2 Series Cabinets
Gelman Class II Type A2 Series Laminar Flow Biological Safety Cabinets are designed to provide a high degree of personnel, product and environment protection for work with low to moderate risk biological agents that require Biosafety Level 1, 2 or 3 containment.

BioEssential Class II Type A2
BioGuard Class II Type A2
BioGuard-XLE Class II Type A2 With Extra-Large Work Area Height & Sash Opening
BioClassic Class II Type A2
RadGuard Class II Type A2 Biological Safety Cabinets For Compounding Radiopharmaceuticals
Gelman RadGuard Class II Type A2 Biological Safety Cabinets are designed to provide a high degree of personnel, product and environment protection in applications involving the handling of radioactive materials and compounding of radiopharmaceuticals. The cabinets are suitable for work with low to moderate risk biological agents that require Biosafety Level 1, 2 or 3 containment. The RadGuard Biological Safety Cabinet has complete lead shielding in the walls and floor of the work zone and is an effective laboratory aid in providing total protection for...

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BioGuard BH-Plus Class II Type A2 With Primary Containment HEPA Filtration System
Gelman BioGuard BH-Plus Series Class II Type A2 Laminar Flow Biological Safety Cabinets with its unique primary containment HEPA filtration system are designed to provide maximum degree of personnel, product and environment protection for work with low to moderate risk biological agents that require Biosafety Level 1, 2 or 3 containment.

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Dual-Access Series Class II Type A2 Series
Gelman Dual-Access Series Class II Type A2 Series Laminar Flow Biological Safety Cabinets with its unique dual access work openings are designed to provide a high degree of personnel, product and environment protection for work with low to moderate risk biological agents that require Biosafety Level 1, 2 or 3 containment.

BioClassic Dual-Access Class II Type A2
BioGuard Dual-Access Class II Type A2
BioGuard Class II Type C1 Biological Safety Cabinets
Gelman BioGuard Class II Type C1 Laminar Flow Biological Safety Cabinets are commonly referred to as ‘ Convertible ‘ biological safety cabinets designed to provide a high degree of personnel, product and environment protection for work with low to moderate risk biological agents that require Biosafety Level 1, 2 or 3 containment.

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Class II Type B1 Series Cabinets
Gelman Class II Type B1 Series Laminar Flow Biological Safety Cabinets are designed to provide a high degree of personnel, product and environment protection for work with low to moderate risk biological agents that require Biosafety Level 1, 2 or 3 containment.

BioGuard Class II Type B1
BioClassic Class II Type B1 With Dual-Supply Filtration System
Class II Type B2 (Total Exhaust) Series Cabinets
Gelman Class II Type B2 Series Laminar Flow Biological Safety Cabinets are designed to provide a high degree of personnel, product and environment protection for work with low to moderate risk biological agents that require Biosafety Level 1, 2 or 3 containment.

BioGuard Class II Type B2
BioClassic Class II Type B2
Class III Series Cabinets
Gelman Class III Series Biological Safety Cabinets are designed to provide a high degree of personnel, product and environment protection for work with biological agents that require Biosafety Level 1, 2, 3 or 4 containment.

BioXtreme Class III Biological Safety Cabinets
Bioxtreme Class III Biological Safety Cabinets With Dual In-Line Exhaust HEPA / Fan Systems