It is widely recognised in laboratories that aerosols are released during centrifuging operations and that, if breakage or leakage occurs, personnel may be exposed to infectious materials.
Any facility handling agents of known or potential hazard should incorporate appropriate containment measures and equipment.
Gelman CE Series Aerosols Containment Centrifuge enclosures have been developed to meet the needs of laboratory centrifuging applications. Centrifuge caps can crack and loosen, tubes may break or leak. In such cases infectious fluids present on the outer rim will be spun off as an aerosol.
By placing centrifuges inside a CE enclosure, effective containment of any liberated aerosols is achieved. CE enclosures provide a reliable primary containment barrier by means of a constant flow of room air into the enclosure. All air exhausted from the enclosure is HEPA-filtered to remove all biological and particulate contaminants.
Gelman CE Series Aerosols Containment Centrifuge enclosures are self-contained mobile enclosures purpose-designed for housing centrifuges. CE MK I units are for benchtop applications. CE MK II units are for floor standing centrifuges. An ultra-quiet variable-speed fan maintains a constant flow of ambient (room) air into the enclosure. All air exhausted from the enclosure is HEPA filtered to remove all biological and particulate contaminants.
A clear access door provides unimpeded passage for centrifuges and enables personnel to view the centrifuging operation.
The Gelman CE Series enclosures maintain an average inflow velocity of 100 fpm through the work access opening. An effective air barrier between the operator and the work zone, maintained by an inward flow of room air into the work access opening provides personnel and environment protection.
The barrier air blends with the contaminated work area air and is directed through an easily accessible prefilter on top of the work zone to trap large particles.
The prefiltered air is totally exhausted to the laboratory or outside atmosphere after HEPA filtration.
Microprocessor-controlled diagnostic system with digital display & audible alarm